A definitive analysis of the weapons, equipment, deployment, tactics and motivation of these national forces, as well as fascinating detail of day-to-day life for the soldiers that fought the battles
Drawn from many international sources, many not employed before in English-language publications, Armies of the Seven Years War is the finest reference work on this most complex of conflicts.
This book brings a highly eventful period of European history to life, chrinicling the battles, campaigns and skirmishes of the conflict and the political triumphs and declines of the combatant forces.
Offers a glimpse of the day-to-day conditions of an average soldier through photographs of artifacts and exacting, historically accurate reproductions of soldiers' clothing, supplies, and equipment.
In this, the first of two studies by Marko Zlatich (Men-at Arms 290 continues the treatment, covering the period from 1779-83), the systems used by state and Continental authorities to procure clothing materials, the quantities they ...
Through photographs and historical documents, profiles the lives of Confederate soldiers during the American Civil War, discussing their day-to-day activities, weapons, and equipment.
Uniforms of the American Revolution in Colour
“Of great use to anyone interested in the 18th century British Army as well as illustrators and others who need detailed information.”—Classic Arms and Militaria Based on records and paintings of the time, this book identifies each ...
Presents a visual reference of the fighting men of the period from 8th century BC to the fall of Constantinople in 1453, with images of military dress, weaponry, artillery, ships, siege engines, and fortifications.
This book describes their uniforms and equipment in unprecedented detail, including color photos of original items from private collections.
From the gleaming plate armour of the medieval knight to the sleek camouflage gear of modern special ops forces, from the distinctive attire of the Japanese samurai to the ballistic armour and modern electronics of Russia's elite Spetsnaz, ...