Presents a visual reference of the fighting men of the period from 8th century BC to the fall of Constantinople in 1453, with images of military dress, weaponry, artillery, ships, siege engines, and fortifications.
Hiroshi Moriya, autorité reconnue en matière de culture et de philosophie chinoise, analyse et explique ces stratégies, prenant des exemples dans l'histoire ancienne et contemporaine afin d'en dégager plus précisément le sens.
Harlow, U.K., and New York: Pearson/Longman, 2005. Crouch, David. Tournament. London: Hambledon, 2005. Curnow, P. E. “Some Developments in Military Architecture c. 1200: Le Coudray-Salbart.” In AngloNorman Studies II: Proceedings of the ...
History of the Military Art: From 450 to 1914
Operation Desert Storm is the closest thing to a laboratory test of the U.S. and Soviet ways of war.
6 Howard H. Frederick , » Electronic Democracy « , in : Edges ( Toronto ) , Juli - September 1992 . 7 Ilya Progogine , Order Out of Chaos . Bibliographie Adams , James , Bulls Eye . New York 373.
The Art of War
Offering essential advice on battlefield tactics, managing others and employing cunning, discipline and deception to outwit your opponent, Sun-tzu's 'The Art of War' has provided leaders with the ultimate guide to survival and success for ...
Earlier paperback version of The Art of Small business focusing more on starting a business. The complete text of The Art of War is on the left-hand pages with The Art of Starting a Business on the facing right-hand pages.
The Essential Art of War Collection is comprised of four of the worlds most important books ever written on military strategy. Sun Tzu's The Art of War is the oldest text on military strategy in existence.
Examines the skills needed to become a ninja, including practicing with weapons everyday, listening and not asking questions, and keeping identity secret.