The myths of the Classical world have inspired generations of painters and poets, and this beautiful encyclopedia is illustrated with a wealth of imagery created over a period of fifteen centuries; both fine art paintings and specially ...
An encyclopedic A-to-Z guide, this beautifully illustrated volume offers hundreds of rich, fascinating definitions of 700 major and minor characters, creatures, and places of classical mythology.
The central figures of classical mythology are described by expert Arthur Cotterell in Classical Mythology with wit and authority, and ancient legends are re-told as spell-binding narratives that offer intriguing...
From the fearless Athena and her meddlesome ways to the brave and bold Odysseus and his remarkable journey home, discover why these incredible stories are still a part of our culture today.
Classical Mythology
Fully indexed and containing lavish color illustrations and a wealth of line drawings, this is the most up-to-date, beautiful, and graphically useful reference of its kind on the market today.
In the first half, author Arthur Cotterell describes the central mythical figures of classical Greece and Rome, the Celtic heroes and the Nordic gods.
A retelling of the stories of classical mythology by folklorist and historian, Helene Adeline Guerber.
Explores mythical themes basic to the Greek, Roman, Norse, and Celtic cultures in addition to profiling more than 500 key mythological figures.
This title features the gods, themes, characters and art in each mythology. Along with illustrations, the text covers aspects of global mythology - religions, beliefs, customs and rituals. Packed with...