"This book reveals the theories that inspire al-Qaeda. There is no other accessible book on the subject. This is the sect that threatens the stability of Saudi Arabia and the Middle East. Wahhabism has been generating controversy since it first emerged in Arabia in the 18th century. In the wake of September 11th instant theories have emerged that try to root Osama Bin Laden's attacks on Wahhabism. Muslim critics have dismissed this conservative interpretation of Islam that is the official creed of Saudi Arabia as an unorthodox innovation that manipulated a suggestible people to gain political influence. David Commins' book questions this assumption. He examines the debate on the nature of Wahhabism, and offers original findings on its ascendance in Saudi Arabia and spread throughout other parts of the Muslim world such as Afghanistan and Pakistan. He also assesses the challenge that radical militants within Saudi Arabia pose to the region, and draws conclusions which will concern all those who follow events in the Kingdom. "The Wahhabi Mission and Saudi Arabia" is essential reading for anyone interested in the Middle East and Islamic radicalism today."--Bloomsbury Publishing.
Rahman, “Revival and Reform in Islam”; Voll, “Hadith Scholars and Tariqahs”; Levtzion and Voll, Eighteenth-century Renewal and Reform in Islam; Voll, “Scholarly Interrelations Between South Asia and the Middle East in the 18th Century”; ...
David Commins' book questions this assumption.
David Commins' book questions this assumption.
Terence Ward, who has spent much of his life in the Middle East, gives his unique insight into the culture of extremism, its rapid expansion, and how it can be stopped.
David Commins challenges the stereotype of Saudi Arabia as a country immune to change by highlighting the ways that urbanization, education, and consumerism have exerted pressure on the religious establishment.
Current troubles in the Middle East have focused much international attention on Saudi Arabia. However, little has been published in English on the background to its culture and its roots...
This accessible scholarly work traces the regional politics of the Shia in the Eastern Province of Sunni-dominated Saudi Arabia since the nineteenth century.
This pathbreaking book fills an enormous gap in the literature about Wahhabism by returning to the original writings of its founder. Bound to be controversial, it will be impossible to ignore.
This collection seeks to advance our understanding of intra-Islamic identity conflict during a period of upheaval in the Middle East.
This volume investigates how, through hegemonic nationalism, states invoke religious claims in domestic and international politics, sacralizing the political.