The model was able to reproduce the Sirius yields closely for a variety of UK conditions. Test data sets with a wide range of yields produced root mean square errors of around 800 kg ha1, compared to standard deviations in the Sirius ...
Can J Law 33 Jurisprud XIX:255–278 Wei T, Dong WJ et al (2012) Developed and developing world responsibilities for historical climate change and CO2 mitigation. In: Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the United States of ...
Also unique to this guide are its detailed descriptions of, and applications for, standardized measures which readers can use immediately to administer, score, and interpret.
This book takes these aspects in to consideration and in the process provides insights in to watershed design and implementation.
... Second Edition by Marc J. Ackerman Essentials of Gifted Assessment by Steven I. Pfeiffer Essentials of IDEA for Assessment Professionals by Guy McBride, Ron Dumont, and John O. Willis Essentials of Individual Achievement Assessment ...
This multidisciplinary work explores ways of making environmental policy decisions regarding the management of public goods and natural parks with the goal of maximizing economic benefits to society.
As a timely response, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has developed the Biodiversity Integrated Assessment and Computation Tool (B-INTACT).
This book is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This book answers key questions about environment, people and their shared future in deltas.
... BOR Focuses on attributes indicative of a borderline level of personality Features functioning, including affective lability and instability, unstable and fluctuating interpersonal relations, impulsivity, and uncontrolled anger.
In this book, Juhnke and Hagedorn provide a truly integrated model for assessment and treatment.