Enabling power: Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001, s. 29. Issued: 11.04.2002. Made: 08.03.2002. Laid: 08.03.2002. Coming into force: 01.04.2002. Effect: None. Territorial extent & classification: S. General
As a result of the Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001 there are now no legal differences between residential homes and nursing homes.
This text describes what each individual person can expect from a service provider, focusing on a quality of life that the person using the service actually experiences.
Anthea Innes, Louise McCabe. Alzheimer Scotland (2000) Action on Dementia: Volunteering for Research into Dementia. Information Sheet 3. Edinburgh: Alzheimer Scotland. Banks, S. (2001) Ethics and Values in Social Work.
Enabling power: Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001, s. 29 (1) (2) (c) (e) (7) (c) (o).
... Health Service 9.10 Standards in the NHS are matters of 'clinical governance', the responsibility of the health board and hospital management. All hospitals and community health facilities in Scotland should have 139 Restraint and the law ...
A Consultation Paper on Proposed Changes to the Regulation of Care (Requirements as to Care Services)(Scotland) Regulations 2002
This volume, developed by the Observatory together with OECD, provides an overall conceptual framework for understanding and applying strategies aimed at improving quality of care.
Enabling power: Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001, s. 29 (1) (2) (e) (7) (c).
Enabling power: Regulation of Care (Scotland) Act 2001, s. 29 (1) (2) (b) (e) (7) (c).