The exciting conclusion to Farrell's Nessantico Cycle, following "A Magic of Nightfall" and "A Magic of Twilight."
Choosing from among the world's best portfolios, curators at National Geographic have arranged a symphony of photographs that tell the story of a single day, from dawn's first light to the closing moments of sunset, from daylight to dark.
Second in a brilliant new fantasy series. A masterwork of fantasy, The Nessantico Cycle is the epic tale of an empire at its height, yet poised on the brink of what could be a devastating descent into ruin.
" ... the concluding novel in S.L. Farrell's epic fantasy trilogy of Nessantico ... As 'A Magic of Dawn' opens fifteen years have passed since the events of 'A Magic of Nightfall'.
They bring only a research book to guide them and a magic wand with three special rules. Formerly numbered as Magic Tree House #37, the title of this book is now Magic Tree House Merlin Mission #9: Dragon of the Red Dawn.
Based on The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Child of the Dawn tells a rich and colorful tale about an orphan boy, Hakim, who is lost, alone, and seeking his purpose in life.
It’s the year 2103, and Earth is in crisis.
Robert Knapp reveals why some ordinary people in Judea and in the Roman and Greek worlds embraced a new approach to the supernatural in their daily lives.
The Other Way: Passage to Dawn: Book 2
This epic fantasy series will be especially enjoyed by fans of Brandon Sanderson, Robert Jordan, Michael J. Sullivan, Patrick Rothfuss, and Michael Wisehart.
Complete the collection with the Magical Dawn 20 Postcards, ideally priced and perfectly sized; and the Magical Dawn Artist's Edition featuring twenty oversized art card designs to hang on one's wall or share with friends.