Tells the story of the U.S. Air Force (AF) in space, on the 50th ann'y. as an independent branch of the armed serv. Chapters: The Dawn of the Space Age; Before Sputnik: the AF Enters the Space Age, 1945-1957; From Eisenhower to Kennedy: The Nat. Space Program & the AF's Quest for the Mil. Space Mission, 1958-1961; The AF in the Era of Apollo: A Dream Unfulfilled; From the Ground Up: The Path from Experiment to Oper's.; Organizing for Space: The AF Commits to Space & an Operational Space Command; From Star Wars to the Gulf War: The AF Moves to Create an Operational Capability for Space; Coming of Age: Oper. Desert Storm & Normalizing Mil. Space Oper's.; & An AF Vision for the Mil. Space Mission: A Roadmap to the 21st Cent.