A postage stamp kitchen garden is a small area -- whether a back yard plot or a set of containers -- that produces fresh herbs and vegetables. While many cooks complain that they are short on both time and garden space, this book solves both of these problems. The carefully laid out instructions, complemented with over 100 illustrations, demonstrate how to produce tremendous amounts of vegetables in a small space. By following intensive, ecologically friendly techniques that require much less weeding, watering, and overall effort, anyone can have the garden of their dreams. Includes dozens of lists of every conceivable variety of herbs and vegetables.
... 66-67 E Earthworms, 41-42 Eggplant, 104-7 baby, 32-33 cropstretching, 104 growingtips for 107 harvesting. ... 6, 8, 13 for orchard mason bees, 10 French Intensive gardening, 1-2 Frost dates, last,53 tolerance of 51 Fungicides, ...
Describes how the First Lady and her daughters planted a vegetable garden on the White House's South Lawn as part of an initiative to raise awareness about childhood obesity, and shares gardening tips, recipes, and advice for making ...
First-rate gardening pros share their expertise on designing a garden of any size, as well as fundamentals about soil, irrigation, pest control, crop rotation, and more.
For those who already have experience getting their hands dirty in the garden, this handbook will help them refine their gardening skills and cultivate gourmet quality food.
In this comprehensive guide, Jessica uses her numerous contacts in the seed and plant production world to give space-challenged gardeners a heads up on what's new, as well as re-introducing a few traditional small-footprint favorites.
This book is ideal for beginners, improvers and those serious about growing tasty, healthy organic fruit and vegetables.
Joy Larkcom also shows you how to create a beautiful potager garden, with tips such as training tomatoes up attractive spiral supports, planting for theatrical height and edible seed pods.
A Backyard-Gardener’s Guide to Growing a Bountiful, Great-Tasting Harvest The Complete Vegetable & Herb Gardener features: A full-color encyclopedia of over 100 vegetables and herbs with detailed, expert advice on growing them ...
"If you want to know whether it is kosher to plant onions between cabbage plants, this is the place to look.
Whether you are taking your first steps in growing some of what you eat, or experienced and looking for inspiration, ideas and some new plants to grow, The New Kitchen Garden is for you.