To conclude her bestselling Shadow Children series, Haddix revisits Luke Garner, an illegal third-born in a futuristic society that allows only two children per family.
... NE 68010 1-800-282-6657 Motivational Speakers Available National 24 hour hotline : 1-800-448-3000 Any problem or concern W.A.I.T. Training Shelly Donahue Abstinence & Relationship Training Center 10427 East ...
Author of Principles in Modern Dramatic Criticism. Contributor to Video Therapy in Mental Health.Praise for Soaring Beyond self"This is a must have for anyone born in the window of the 1930's - 1950's.
In Lessons at Blackberry Inn, life is seen through Carol's eyes, the eyes of a homemaker in the 1830s.
Akin to The Last Lecture in its revelatory perspective following life-altering events, "How Will You Measure Your Life?" presents a set of personal guidelines that have helped the author find meaning and happiness in his life.
In this groundbreaking book, Christensen puts forth a series of questions: How can I be sure that I'll find satisfaction in my career? How can I be sure that my personal relationships become enduring sources of happiness?
Traditional Chinese edition of How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton Christensen, Professor at Harvard Business School.
本书中戴尔·卡耐基以超人的智慧总结了女性为人处世应当具备的基本技巧;以严谨的思维分析了女性打造个人魅力,活得快乐的秘密所在 ...
本书汇集了大师卡内基的思想精华,深刻剖析了人性中的弱点,同时引用了许多名人及普通人的真实案例,讲述了他们如何通过学习书中的内容,以尊重,理解,真诚为基石 ...
Littérature jeunesse : première lecture
本书作者理查德-斯坦格尔与曼德拉有近二十年的深厚感情, 他将与曼德拉的无数次深入谈话, 浓缩成15堂最重要的生命课程, 这也对是曼德拉毕生智慧与领悟的精妙总结, ...