The authors chronicles her journey to recovery from her childhood experience of sexual abuse in an effort to help others in similar situations.
No small detail is overlooked. Beautifully photographed, this inspiring book is a must-have for design-savvy individuals.
God has given us the gift of eternal life and a place in heaven, and He has placed the longing for heaven in our hearts. This is our home, our destiny, and our calling." Loritts' wisdom is at once down-to-earth and biblical.
A 90-day devotional based on the second coming of Jesus Christ.
We are, in sum, winners in the Darwinian lottery of life. This book provides an illustrated glimpse into Pinker's idea that things have gotten better on planet earth.
Through 67 interviews and 59 colour photographs, It's a Living reveals the energy and struggle of the world of work in Vietnam today.
Offers an overview of the Gospel of Mary; and reviews the Church's long history of misunderstanding her. This work offers advice, prayers and liturgy for living Magdalene spirituality.
Pull away from the things that pull you down and find lasting encouragement for today.
The Church: Christ in the World Today guides the students in exploring and understanding the Catholic Church, as well as its origin, structure, and mission.
Today is the only day we have to actually live. We don't live yesterday and we cannot live tomorrow. It is only today that we do our living, so why do we waste so much of our time doing things that don't matter?
In Living Between Two Worlds, author Benita Glickman finds herself in a changing world, facing the dual problems of aging and illness while living in the midst of a global pandemic.