The Paranoid Parents Guide: Worry Less, Parent Better, and Raise a Resilient Child

The Paranoid Parents Guide: Worry Less, Parent Better, and Raise a Resilient Child
Family & Relationships
Christie Barnes


What Did You Worry About Today? Chances Are, You Didn't Need to . . . Paranoid Parents take heart: You're not alone in your sleepless nights. When surveyed by Paranoid Parents founder Christie Barnes, 75 percent of moms and dads said they worried about "everything" when it came to their kids. Things like: Is this really the right school? Will she get kidnapped at the mall? Are those car seats safe? Will he be bullied at camp? Is that splinter infected? Does he really have ADD or is he just hyper? Is she experimenting with drugs? In our fear-based culture that makes us over-buy, over-protect, and over-parent in an effort to keep our kids safe, Christie Barnes knows the truth: Most parents are wasting their time worrying about the wrong things. From years of research, Barnes will give parents a much-needed reality check, opening their eyes to the real dangers likely to befall their kids with simple, effective tips to prevent them from happening. She will help paranoid parents to come clean about their biggest fears, reveal the Top Ten real dangers as opposed to the Myth Makers, and offer realistic ways to safeguard kids at every stage without stealing their childhoods. By rallying against our biggest fears with the facts, the Paranoid Parents Guide will help moms and dads enjoy parenthood more, and allow their kids develop the resiliency, independence, and good decision-making skills that are essential—yet lacking—in today's society. So stop worrying about a shark attack . . . because your child is more likely to be injured by a shopping cart. Think that ice hockey is more dangerous than cheering? Think again. Is there ever an age when your kids are safer? (The answer is yes.) Are strangers the real enemy? (Actually, no.) How dangerous is the world we live in? As Barnes will prove, it's easier to enjoy your time with your children when you are prepared; not paranoid.

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