The 10 pounds sterling minimum has been changed to $ 500 by each of the states with the adoption of the Uniform Commercial Code ( see figure 11.1 ) . Promises that cannot be performed within a year and contracts for the sale of goods in ...
Legal Aspects of Engineering
Legal Aspects of Engineering
Legal Aspects of Engineering, Design & Innovation by Cynthia Gayton: Integrates more than fifty new cases, including new NSPE cases that are cross-referenced in the main text and appear in Appendix B. Features three professional ethics ...
The primary focus of this text is to provide a bridge for students between the academic world and the real world.
Offering a totally new perspective, this book will be a fascinating read for law students and prospective law students, legal academics across all sub-fields, lawyers in government, especially those engaged in drafting legislation, and ...
Legal Aspects of Engineering
The sixth edition of this classic text (written primarily for senior and graduate level architecture, engineering, construction management, and law students) provides a bridge between the academic and real worlds....
Revised and expanded, this book provides an up-to-date and comprehensive description of civil engineering contract procedures, and covers the whole spectrum of the legal, contractual and valuation implications of contracts for construction ...
The first book to focus on the legal aspects of climate engineering, making recommendations for future laws and governance.
Written by J. Curtis Varone, a practicing attorney as well as an experienced firefighter, this book explores such key topics as fire department liability, search and seizure, sovereign immunity, overtime laws, collective bargaining, OSHA ...