A California Perspective Arthur J. Townley, June H. Schmieder-Ramirez, Lillian Biermann Wehmeyer. MYTHS ABOUT MONEY FOR SCHOOLS . Two hotly debated myths about money and schooling have clouded public discussion of finance for schools .
This text presents the realities of school finance policy, issues, and applications to prepare educational leadership candidates for their future roles as school principals, superintendents, and other administrative positions.
69 For thorough literature reviews, see: Andrews, M., Duncombe, W., & Yinger, J. (2002). Revisiting economies of size in ... In H.J. Walberg (Series Ed.), & B. Levin, W.J. Fowler, Jr, & H.J. Walberg (Vol. Eds.), Advances in educational ...
This nationally recognized school finance expert has teamed up with a CHOICE award winning author to write a comprehensive book on managing school financial resources to increase student performance.
How are these terms relevant to the politics and litigation of school finance reform? What is the impact of court-ordered school finance reform on spending disparities? How do school districts use money from finance reform?
A master story-teller, Dr. Jose A. Cardenas, offers us an insider's view of the 28-year history of school finance in Texas. Dr. Cardenas is the founder & director emeritus of...
This book will be great for preparing for entry-level school administration positions as well as candidates for advanced degrees who need more research based theoretical content.
100 mills equal 10 cents and 1000 mills equate to one-dollar. Look at Example 1 again. The taxable amount was $23,297 and the tax rate was 9.102. Somewhere on the tax bill it should be noted that the tax rate is expressed in mills, ...
" --Helen F. Ladd, Susan B. King Professor Emerita of Public Policy and Economics, Sanford School, Duke University "This book is a must-read for anyone concerned about public education.