Beware the Music Teacher!: And Other Super Songs for Elementary Music Classes

Beware the Music Teacher!: And Other Super Songs for Elementary Music Classes
Alfred Music Publishing
Mark Burrows


Enjoy 11 fun, inspirational, wonderful songs that every elementary music teacher needs for occasions throughout the school year. Kid-tested, these superb originals from Mark Burrows will delight students. Great activities are included for all 11 songs, as well as reproducible lyric sheets, and full performance and accompaniment tracks. Songs are: Beware the Music Teacher! * The Boredom Blues * Building a Bridge * The Day the Animals Joined the Band * Christmas Can Last All Year Long * Their Love Shines On * Hola Means "Hello" * Sing a Song for Nature * A Brand New Star in the Sky * (Positive) Attitude * We Are the Future * We Are the Now. Includes two bonus classical listening tracks. Grades K-6.

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