Hunt, feed, repeat... Deirdre Griffin didn't choose to be a vampire. But she is. And she's determined to make the most of her fate. For Deirdre that means surrendering to the raging hunger ignited by even the slightest whiff of blood—a hunger that pulses through her body like a fever, demanding release. It means making friends in dark places-and savoring every hot, salty, bitter, revitalizing drop of life force the night has to offer...
In Hunger, she explores her past—including the devastating act of violence that acted as a turning point in her young life—and brings readers along on her journey to understand and ultimately save herself.
She even shows that dopamine rushes in the body work exactly the same way with food as with cocaine.
This is a new and freshly published edition of this culturally important work, which is now, at last, again available to you. Enjoy this classic work today.
"A retelling of the fate of the Donner Party, with a Walking Dead style twist"--
He points to the work of numerous grassroots organizations that are leading the way in these fields as models for the rest of the anti-hunger sector.
In Dangerous Passions, finding a mate shouldn?t be all that difficult for a sexy werewolf on the prowl.
The author of the best-selling The Thing About Life Is That One Day You'll Be Dead presents a call for new art forms to match the complexities of the 21st century, exploring how creative expression is being reshaped to reflect today's ...
Seven million people in the "breadbasket of Europe" were deliberately starved to death at Stalin's command. This story has been suppressed for half a century. Now, a survivor speaks.
An international bestseller when it first appeared, this first-ever English language edition has been updated by Caparrós to consider whether conditions that have improved or worsened since the book's European publication.