Quizzes, stories, surveys, and activities for middle schoolers addressing such issues as physical and emotional changes, connecting with friends and family, setting goals, and handling peer pressure.
With this book, readers will be able to think about and develop a deliberate plan to age happily.
"47 proven tips, strategies and resources to get unstuck."--Front cover.
When you've become sick and tired of counting your birthdays, here's some light-hearted relief in a collection of hundreds of quotes about getting older and staying younger.
Nine case histories and dialogues with thirty-five teen-age cancer patients--all terminally ill--describe their fears, initial reactions to their illnesses, and their hope and goals for the future
Or puzzled at how her friends are aging prematurely? I'm Too Young to Be This Old (with over 150,000 copies sold) shows women how to face their changing lives with a spirit of fun and fearlessness.
In Too Young to Feel Old, leading rheumatologist Dr. Richard Blau shows you what you can do to get instant relief.With a straightforward Arthritis Doctor's Questionnaire that simulates a visit to a rheumatologist's office, you can determine ...
A civil rights advocate for people with disabilities describes the congenital neuromuscular disease that rendered her dependent on the assistance of others, her life-long struggle against popular assumptions about disabled people, and her ...
Author Dan Zeman is passionate about educating and motivating his fellow male baby boomers about the aging process.
For the first time since I was three years old, my whole family was together again. Nobody was left behind. And Canada was home. 127 Too Young to Escape Author's Note I often do school TooYoungToEscape PAGES 9pp.indd 127 2018-08-02 3:14 ...
Baby Boomers were at the forefront of change in the Sixties and Seventies and will be a force to be reckoned with as they reach the age when, in the past, older people seemed to fade from view.