This multi-functional reference is a useful tool to find information about history-related organizations and programs and to contact those working in history across the country.
Directory of Historical Societies and Agencies in the United States and Canada
Directory of History Departments and Organizations in the United States and Canada 1997-98
... Robert John , 1677 Grafstein , Ann , 2902 Graham , Robert J. , 2590 , 2594 Graham - Bell , Maggie , 2029 Grammond ... 3306 Harris , Geraldine Alton , 54 Harris , Herbert Raymond , 3106 Harris , Jane E. , 2469 Harris , Lesley Ellen ...
29 Burke's presidential families of the United States of America. 2nd ed. Hugh Montgomery-Massingberd. ... 31 Directory of historical organizations in the United States and Canada. American Association for State and Local History.
The American Library Directory is the standard reference on the subject for the United States and Canada 32 and includes addresses of Ohio libraries . " Addresses of historical and genealogical societies , museums , and similar ...
Genealogists and other historical researchers have valued the first two editions of this work, often referred to as the genealogist's bible."" The new edition continues that tradition.
Companion Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 73 Companion Encyclopedia of Geography: The Environment and Humankind, 54–55 Companion Encyclopedia of Psychology, 106 Companion to American Thought, A, 79–80 Companion to Historiography, ...