The Handbook of Archaeological Methods comprises 37 articles by leading archaeologists on the key methods used by archaeologists in the field, in analysis, in theory building, and in managing cultural resources. The book is destined to become the key reference work for archaeologists and their advanced students on contemporary archaeological methods.
Theory , technology , and the future of geographic information systems in archaeology . In New methods , old problems : Geographic information systems in modern archaeological research , 301-308 . Center for Archaeological ...
Written expressly for amateur archaeologists and archaeological volunteers to help them discover how they can become part of this increasingly popular field. Covers subjects ranging from excavation techniques, tools, site...
Although Hopi is one of twentyone contemporary Pueblo tribes, the bibliography of publications on Hopi far exceeds that of any ... and Hopi social organization is widely used as a cultural template in the study of “tribal” societies.
Described archaeological methods and reveals how the secrets of ancient civilizations are uncovered through their relics.
... frequency with which particles of the same size FIGURE 5.6: Estimating the percentage of inclusions (after Museum of London 1990) L50 CHAPTER FIVE y u FIGURE 5.7: Estimating the degree. - | I I I I I I 'l | | I ' I I I. \ L I I - l ...
"This handbook brings together work by leading scholars of the archaeology of early Christianity in the Mediterranean and surrounding regions.
More specifically, the volume discusses the following: What is the current situation (including a brief history) of physical anthropology in the country? What happens on discovering human remains (who is notified, etc.)?
The archaeology of York
Stead, I. M. (1991a) Iron Age Cemeteries in East Yorkshire. English Heritage Archaeological Report ... Stead, I. M. (2006) British Iron Age Swords and Scabbards. British Museum Press, London. Stead ... Stringer, C. (1992) 'Reconstructing.
This practical volume, the first book in the Manuals in Archaeological Method, Theory and Technique series, examines in detail the factors that affect archaeological detectability in surveys whose methods range from visual to remote sensing ...