Introduction to Tribal Legal Studies, the first in a unique series of comprehensive studies of tribal law in the United States, focuses on law developed by and for Indian Nations and Native people. It addresses the power of tribal courts and tribal legal systems as key to the exercise and expansion of tribal sovereignty. Richland and Deer discuss in depth the histories, structures, and practices of tribal justice systems, efforts to balance tribal legal heritage and Anglo-American law, the scope of criminal and civil jurisdictions, child welfare and civil rights, traditional dispute resolution mechanisms in contemporary tribal law, models of peacemaking, and means for assuring integrity of tribal courts. This text will be an invaluable resource for legal scholars and students. Published in cooperation with the Tribal Law and Policy Institute, visit their web page; Turtle Mountain Community College; and the Native Nations Law and Policy Center, University of California, Los Angeles.
在《眾裏尋她:公義在香港》,陳文敏教授通過其個人經驗和重要案例,探討香港法律制度的核心價值。本書解釋和釐清了一些有關香港法律的常見問題。例如大律師如何為有罪的人 ...
Making it and Breaking it: The Fate of Public Interest Commitment During Law School
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