Ritual and Belief: Readings in the Anthropology of Religion is a collection of 41 readings in religion, magic, and witchcraft. The choice of readings is eclectic: no single anthropological approach or theoretical perspective dominates the text. Theoretical significance, scholarly eminence of the author, and inherent interest provide the principal criteria, and each reading complements its companion chapters, which are pedagogically coherent rather than ad hoc assemblages. Included among the theoretical perspectives are structural-functionalism, structuralism, Malinowskian functionalism, cultural materialism, and cultural evolutionism; also included are the synchronic and diachronic approaches. The book offers a mixture of classic readings and more recent contributions, and the 'world religions' are included along with examples from the religions of traditionally non-literate cultures. As diverse a range of religious traditions as possible has been embraced, from various ethnic groups, traditions, and places.
Updated chapters have taken into account new research and include additional topics in this new edition, notably assisted dying, terrorism, green burial, material culture, death online, and the emergence of Death Studies as a distinctive ...
Between the years of 1898 and 1926, Edward Westermarck spent a total of seven years in Morocco, visiting towns and tribes in different parts of the country, meeting local people and learning about their language and culture; his findings ...
Bushotter's manuscripts have never been published in full , but in 1894 , J. Owen Dorsey published an encyclopedic survey of available information on the religions of each of the Siouan tribes and included in it the relevant material ...
Describing a variety of funeral ritual, from major world religions and from local traditions, this book shows how cultures cope not only with corpses but also create an added value for living through the growth of afterlife beliefs.
This comprehensive volume brings together material by eminent scholars from across the centuries, ranging from Martin Luther's sacramental dialogues to the life and routine patterns of Zen Buddhist Temples and the relationship between magic ...
This book presents unique new insights into the development of human ritual and society through our heritage of play and performance.
This collection of essays focuses upon the religion and ritual of the Kuria people of East Africa, but uses this material to raise wider comparative and cross-cultural issues regarding broad themes in eastern Bantu religions as well as ...
This book, first published in 1932, demonstrates how the control of certain ‘-isms’ has for long moulded the interpretation of Indian belief and ritual by Western writers particularly.
Between the years of 1898 and 1926, Edward Westermarck spent a total of seven years in Morocco, visiting towns and tribes in different parts of the country, meeting local people and learning about their language and culture; his findings ...
First published in 1967, this book gives some of the fruits of the author's study of Tikopia ways of thought as the result of three field expeditions.