With vivid recollections of soldiers bravely advancing under fire, the true life account of Lt. General Mordechai Gur's experience during the 1967 Mideast War is told with astonishing drama and emotion. The conflict heats up over the chance to seize the Temple Mount, a tense situation that was the chance to resolve the aspirations for Jews for over 2,000 years. The elite Israeli paratroopers are sent in, and General Gur leads us through the intense operation, capturing the real sense of daring and moment-to-moment tension the men experienced.
The Tower of Babel
The Tower of Babel
Lost in the Sinai Desert after a battle, an Egyptian boy and Israeli girl find they must trust each other in order to survive.
In June, 1967, jet aircraft and motor torpedo boats of Israel brutally assaulted an American naval vessel, the USS Liberty, in international waters off the Sinai Peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea.
La Guerra de los Seis Días
The Six Day War
Under den arabisk-israelske 6 dageskrig blev et amerikansk spionskib ramt af israelske fly og torpedobåde.
Burn Mark: A Photographic Memoir of the Six Day War