DIVIn The Fight in the Clouds, aviation writer James P. Busha narrates a spellbinding collection of tales of P-51 Mustang combat throughout World War II. /div
Two Clouds Fight
The 1995 edition includes a selection of historical photographs.
Clouds above the Hill is one of the best-selling novels ever in Japan, and is now translated into English for the first time. Volume I describes the growth of Japan's fledgling Meiji state, a major character in the novel.
Climbing in North America. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1976. Jordan, Jennifer. The Last Man on the Mountain: The Death of an American Adventurer on K2. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2010.
As the story advances, so does the attrition—teammates transferred, innocence cast off, confidence in leadership whittled away.
... sky and flames licked up the sides of the wooden buildings. From there, it spread onto their roofs, threatening the ... the fight had begun. Only two of the legionaries could attack their victims at a time. The others stood back and ...
1914. Simon Fonthill, a fit 59-year-old, is visiting his farm in Northern Rhodesia when the Great War breaks out.
In this commemorative edition, marking the 150th anniversary of Red Cloud's War, Goble recounts the tale of events through the eyes of Brave Eagle, a fictional young Lakota warrior.
Most all of Taylor's men were infantry and artillery and traveled afoot . The remuda turned out to be a mixture of horses and mules that were used to transport the two hundred supply wagons and artillery pieces .
The contents of this book have been drawn from the many periodicals and part works which were published during the Great War.