Masterpiece quilts and Master quilters--both are honored in The Quilters Hall of Fame. The book profiles more than forty of the quilting world's most influential people--from early twentieth-century quilt designer Ruby McKim to quilt curator Jonathan Holstein to contemporary art quilter Nancy Crow. Lavishly illustrated with one hundred glorious color photographs of their quilts, plus historical photographs, ads, and pattern booklets, The Quilters Hall of Fame is essential for every quilter's bookshelf.
The history of The Quilters Hall of Fame in Marion, Indiana, and the biographies of the 34 Honorees of The Quilters Hall of Fame.
This book was the first book ever published in America on the subject of quilts and contains all the information one might want to know about the topic.
World-renowned quilter Nancy Crow's work is presented for a general audience for the first time in this volume. Divided into nine major quilt series, the book shows not only the...
Make quick quilts and love them lots--that's living the prairie life! With Lynne's Layered Patchwork, you can eliminate many of the pitfalls of traditional piecing, including tricky points, mismatched seams, and bulky seam allowances.
Helen Kelley's "Loose Threads" column has been a favorite of readers of Quilters Newsletter" for twenty-five years. She is the author of Every Quilt Tells a Story "and Helen Kelley's Joy of Quilting.
An unusually creative honoring of the 19th Amendment's centennial--it was ratified August 18, 1920.
Pictorial compilation and essays showcasing and discussing recent work by Nancy Crow, premier artist in the quilt medium.
Is it possible? Fusible appliqué that's soft and drapey--and easy? Yes it is, and Pat Sloan shows you how.
During the Great Depression, a time of widespread poverty, women managed to produce some of America's most beautiful quilts. Soft Covers for Hard Times explores matters rural and city quiltmakers...