Read about the fascinating life of Benjamin Franklin, prolific philosopher, inventor, and Founding Father of the United States, in this beautifully illustrated version of his autobiography. American icon Benjamin Franklin is known for many things: he published the famous Poor Richard's Almanack, helped found the world-famous University of Pennsylvania, and was the first Postmaster General of the United States. His iconography is everywhere. His likeness adorns, among other things, the United States' hundred-dollar bill. Franklin was a wildly intriguing personality, as his autobiography makes plain. From his hoarding of his pay as a teenager to buy books, to his disapproval of habits like drinking beer, from his work as a printer, to his experiments with electricity, this is the story of Franklin's life--told as only he could tell it--in the years before the American Revolution. Benjamin Franklin's writings represent a career of literary, scientific, and political efforts which extended nearly the entire eighteenth century and the birth of the United States. This heavily illustrated version of Franklin's autobiography includes his reflections on diverse questions such as philosophy and religion, social status, electricity, American national characteristics, war, and the status of women. A classic in the American canon, Franklin's autobiography is a must-read for any serious student of American history.
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is Franklin's unfinished book on his own life, which he wrote from 1771 to 1790. It has become one of the most famous and influential autobiographies ever written.
A lifelong scholar of Benjamin Franklin's life completes the unfinished "Autobiography" with information on Franklin's attitudes about such topics as the Constitutional Convention, slavery, and Thomas Jefferson.
Charming self-portrait covers boyhood, work as a printer, political career, scientific experiments, much more. Its openness, honesty, and readable style have made the "Autobiography" one of the great classics of...
The volume will also include four short essays by noted Penn professors as well as a chronology of Franklin's life and the text of Franklin's Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsylvania, a document resulting in the ...
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is one of America's most famous memoirs. In this text, Ben Franklin shares his life story and details his attempts to build a life of good habits and virtues.
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin was written by Benjamin Franklin from 1771 to 1790; however, Franklin himself appears to have called the work his Memoirs.
An edition with a new introduction presents readers with a wide-ranging selection of Benjamin Franklin's most important writings, illuminating the complex and appealing character of this quintessential American who rose to fame as a ...
IMPORTANT! This is a perfect reproduction of Franklin's original work except that it's been converted into large print for simple and easy reading.
Read about the fascinating life of Benjamin Franklin in this beautifully illustrated version of his autobiography.
It provides not only the story of Franklin's own remarkably influential career, but maps out a strategy for self-made success in the context of emerging American nationhood.