This isn't a typical egg cookbook or guide to raising chickens, Epic Eggs takes a deep dive on the eggs themselves and tells you how to raise birds that will produce the best eggs you've ever seen. It may be true that most poultry found on small homesteads or in backyards especially are viewed as pets, but they are inarguably pets with benefits--namely eggs. In Epic Eggs, homesteader and writer Jennifer Sartell looks at the eggs of the most common types of poultry you’d find in your backyard: chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guineas, and quail. Don’t jump to conclusions! This isn’t an egg cookbook or a guide to raising poultry. Jennifer delves into the eggs themselves and explains reproductive systems, egg anatomy, and how and why different colors are distributed to egg shells. Jennifer will show you a variety breeds of birds, and what sizes, shapes, and even colors of egg they produce; from white to blue, brown, chocolate, olive, and speckled, plus heritage breeds and how to breed for specific colors. Illustrated with fantastic color photography of eggs and their birds, Epic Eggs goes on to address how to optimize living conditionsand diet for the healthiest and most-flavorful eggs, the process of grading and storing eggs, and the eternal washing debate. There’s also discussion of nutrition, baking, cooking, preserving, pickling, and dehydrating. The book ends with advice for homesteaders looking to create business plans and a section on troubleshooting.
You know that chickens hatch out of eggs. Lots of other baby animals hatch out of eggs too. Birds and fish lay eggs to hatch their babies. What other animals hatch out of eggs?
Describes different animals that lay eggs, describes the eggs, and explains where they are laid.
"The expressive narrator charms the listener by impersonating the characters...Short segments of music and brief sound effects add interest." - Booklist
"Text copyright 2008 by Harriet Ziefert, Inc."
The book features a number of species ranging from spiders to penguins to octopuses, and the back matter provides more information about the actual size of various eggs and how they develop.
Learn how to decorate eggs with these fun activities.
Eddie Elephant loves telling stories. So when he egg-sits for his neighbors, the Emus, he entertains the egg with his enchanting tales . . . and gets an enormous surprise!
Kar-Ben Read-Aloud eBooks with Audio combine professional narration and text highlighting to bring eBooks to life!
Raad welk dier in het peervormige ei en in het bolvormige ei zit. Ontdek ook welke dieren eieren leggen, waar ze ze leggen en hoe ze worden uitgebroed. Prentenboek met collageachtige kleurenillustraties. Vanaf ca. 4 t/m 7 jaar.
How does an egg become a butterfly? Follow each step in nature's cycle—from egg to brightly colored insect—in this fascinating book!