Get nose to nose with twenty of the fastest, strongest, stealthiest, and most poisonous reptiles you'd the planet Earth has to offer, with Creature Files: Reptiles. From the deadly gaboon viper—with the longest fangs in the world—to the venomous Gila monster that lurks underground, reptiles have an extraordinary assortment of survival skills. Fangs and venom aren’t these cold-blooded creatures’ only weapons: some are camouflaged to hide in plain sight, and others, like the Komodo dragon, have powerful claws for slashing prey. Still others use their awesome strength to overpower victims, like the green anaconda and its deadly squeeze or the saltwater crocodile and the 3,700 pounds of sheer force it puts into every bite! Creature Files: Reptiles features twenty of the world’s most extraordinary reptiles, with reptilian profiles brought to life by vivid photographs and a host of intriguing facts. Each slithering or stalking animal comes with a Fang File to give you the lowdown on how it uses its teeth to pierce, crush, poison, or munch its meals. Can you match the three replica teeth included to the reptilian mouths they belong to?
Animal Fact Files: Reptiles and amphibians
Do you believe dragons are nothing more than the scaly stuff of myths? Or do you think they really existed? Whatever side you're on, this collection of twenty fascinating creatures is sure to spark your imagination.
This book also includes a breakaway cord to make your own shark-tooth necklace!
Can you match the three replica teeth to the prehistoric mouths they belong to? Stunning illustrations and surprising stats bring the stories of these long-extinct beasts to life.
This book is about reptiles: what they do, how they behave, and how these characteristics are different from other groups of animals.
Snakes and Reptiles: The Scariest Cold-blooded Creatures on Earth
Describes the physical characteristics, subgroups, habitats, and behavior of reptiles.
Explore facts about reptiles and some of the things reptiles can do, that no other kind of animal can.
Explores the world of reptiles, discussing lizards, snakes, tortoises, turtles, alligators, crocodiles, and tuataras.
An A-Z of cold-blooded animals, featuring over 100 amazing creatures. This dictionary introduces young readers to the fascinating world of reptiles and amphibians.