"The world has been waiting for this book." —Jeffrey Morganthaler, author of The Bar Book and Drinking Distilled In Bourbon Curious: A Tasting Guide for the Savvy Drinker, award-winning whiskey writer and Wall Street Journal best-selling author Fred Minnick creates an easy-to-read interactive tasting journey that helps you select barrel-aged bourbons based on your flavor preferences. Using the same tasting principles he offers in his Kentucky Derby Museum classes and as a judge at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition, Minnick cuts to the chase, dismissing brand marketing and judging only the flavor of this all-American whiskey. Bourbon Curious groups bourbon into four main flavor profiles—grain, nutmeg, caramel, and cinnamon. While many bourbons boast all four flavor notes, one delicious sensation typically overpowers the rest. This book reveals more than 50 bourbon brands' predominate tastes and suggests cocktail recipes to complement them. In addition, Minnick spends some time busting bourbon's myths; unraveling its mysteries; and exploring distiller secrets, disclosing the recipes you won't find on a bottle's label. This updated edition contains all the best new bourbons and revised tasting notes on any bourbons that have undergone a substantial change since the original edition. And like good-tasting bourbon, Bourbon Curious is approachable to all!
PALATE: Super big, bold, and ripe with molasses, oily, cigar, and black fruit, vanilla wafer, chocolate, and a hint of curry. It finishes long and strong with bold molasses. SCORE: 92 HOW TO DRINK: I know this is a big rum.
Once and for all, America learns the likely inventor of its beloved bourbon. Bourbon is not just alcohol--this amber-colored drink is deeply ingrained in American culture and tangled in American history.
After that, you might choose to make the most of Tristan’s bar skills with some inspirational whisky-based cocktails. This fascinating, comprehensive book is sure to appeal to whisky aficionados and novices alike.
Whiskey Women tells the tales of women who have created this industry, from Mesopotamia’s first beer brewers and distillers to America’s rough-and-tough bootleggers during Prohibition.
A coast to coast tour of the most exciting whiskey distilleries in the US, from small-scale craft operations to the behemoths of bourbon Tristan Stephenson. Waterfill and Frazier 167 Wayne, John 265 WCTU 316–18 Weatherbury Farms 54 ...
Enjoying Bourbon gives comprehensive, practical information while offering a working guide to the pleasures, flavor intricacies, and overall enjoyment of this evergreen and popular spirit.
Our company has been in business for over four years and we cherish and make customer satisfaction a priority.Our papers and printing quality are a state of the art, we deliver on time as well.Take notes of taste, aroma, time of tasting, ...
In 1887 Canada was the first nation to put a minimum ageing requirement on whisky. ... At the height of Prohibition there were thought to be over 1,000 bottles of Canadian Club crossing the US border every day. These days, Canadian ...
George G. Brown, The Holy Bible Repudiates “Prohibition”: Compilation of All Verses Containing the Words “Wine” or “Strong Drink,” ... Uncataloged report to Louis Rosenstiel, June 1943, United Distillers Archive, Shively, Kentucky. 6.
This meticulously researched book details how bourbon is made, how best to enjoy it, and how to build your own collection, along with profiles of the distilleries and makers that form the landscape of bourbon country.