"Understand the important issues facing your clients who need AAC and become an effective member of the multidisciplinary team with this Source that tells you : -how to help beginning communicators and communicators who already have a ...
Koppenhaver, D.A., Erickson, K.A., Harris, B., McLellan, J., Skotko, B.G., & Newton, R.A. (2001). Storybook-based communication intervention for girls with Rett syndrome and their mothers. Disability and Rehabilitation, 23(3/4), ...
This official U.S. Government summarizes and details the findings from the "2001 Survey of Assistive Technology and Information Technology Use and Need by Persons With Disabilities in the United States.
This is a valuable source of information and reference for the field of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) in speech-language pathology.
Manual and forms for quality performance measures in speech-language therapy for children and as well as adults who do not have acquired communication disorders.
Helpful example forms completed by actual users of the CSC in school and residential settings illustrate the CSC in action.