Developed from an early oral storytelling tradition dating back to the dawn of European culture, this is one of the oldest and most vibrant of Europe's mythologies.
Llewellyn Sion's “Barddas" edited by J. A. Williams ap Ithel for, 332 WELSH Romanch. The character of, 395, 396 WESTON, Miss JEssie L. Reference to her studies on the Arthurian Saga, 341 WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR. Reference to, in connexion ...
This is an enchantingly told collection of the stirring sagas of gods and goddesses, fabulous beasts, strange creatures, and such heroes as Cuchulain, Fingal, and King Arthur from the ancient Celtic world.
This new book is a dazzling collection of the most gripping Celtic tales, vividly retold, gathering together the legends and sagas of this ancient culture in a tribute to the heroism, romance and mystery of the Celtic people.
Mag Rath (magh, maγ, Modlr. moi; rath)Scene of an Irish dynastic battle, AD 637, where Suibne goes mad. Mag Slécht (magh, Modlr. moi shlaykht)Plain in Co. Cavan, near present town of Ballymagauran thought to be site of worship of Crom ...
Hear the tales of Gods, monsters, magic, and more!
Presents a collection of Celtic tales and poems that cover such topics as invasions, conceptions and births, cattle raids, voyages, heroes, dreams, and love.
We will explore later exactly whatis meant byboth 'Celtic' and 'mythology', but at thispoint it mayhelp to briefly explain that the focus of this bookisonthe evidence for preChristian beliefs that later appeared ina number of written ...
Celtic Myths and Legends
Irlands ældste historie i myteform, samt en næsten komplet samling legender om Cuchulain og Finn Mac Cool, de største helte i irsk tradition