"The book every single girl needs to defend herself against nudgy family and friends."--cover.
Drawing on extensive research and interviews with starter-marriage vets, Pamela Paul explores why young people are jumping in and out of marriage, and what lessons can be drawn from their failures.
Whatever your age, Dave Barry's book offers you a hilarious look at the aging process. The author shares his memories of major political events, music, fads and trends. He mentions such varied events as the Bomb, hula hoops, ...
Both think the Three Stooges are hilarious. And both love to be told, You are sooooo big! But this is reason to celebrate, not fret, because knowing this gives you the inside advantage.
A Portable Coach to Pump Up Your Courage Stop a moving train of negative thoughts! Walk down that aisle! Open a jam-closed heart! Lift that ton of office work! Run circles around your competition! Pick up that phone and make that call!
“The average Hollywood film star's ambition is to be admired by an American, courted by an Italian, married to an ... —Karen Salmansohn, EVEN GOD IS SINGLE (SO STOP GIVING ME A HARD TIME), 2000 182 “A man is an accessory like a pair of ...
... Bridal Book: Www,thebridalbook.com Bride's Magazine: wwwlbridescom Bridesmaid Aid: wwwlbridesmaidaidcom Della Weddings: www.dellaweddings.com Elegant Bride: www.elegantbride.com The Knot: www.theknot.com Martha Stewart Living; ...
A charming parody of P.D. Eastman's beloved 1960 children's classic, Are You My Mother?, Are You My Husband? follows the adventures of Little Chick, who wakes up one day to discover she is thirty-horrors!-and-even worse-still single.
This is a time that the Redeemer of our souls pursues and overtakes us with a love so pure and so sweet it compares with nothing else, because we will never experience anything else like it.
I have always had a hard time understanding why God permits so much pain. ... He states He will not give us more than we can handle. ... I admit it; I was angry with God and I wanted answers even after experiencing all that!
Publications : John Burroughs : An American Naturalist ( biography ) , 1992 ; 1001 Really Cool Web Sites ... Most Useful , and Most Fun Science Websites , 1996 ; Great American Websites : An Online Discovery of a Hidden America ...