One of the longest surviving bypass patients in the U.S. offers a year-long selection of motivational stories, inspirations, quotes, wisdom, meditations, tips and more, many of which have inspired him during his recovery and the maintenance of his health.
In this updated second edition, he emphasizes Mind Your Mind and introduces the new concept of 'e-personality' of the 'e-world'. The author calls on everyone to join the journey towards a healthy heart and a wholesome life.
The media's bias toward stories of conflict, violence, and division is bad for your health. In this book, Hal Urban shows how to find the positive and uplifting all around us. The news media thrives on bad news.
Attention! If you buy this book, you'll get the ebook of this book for free! Today only, get this book for 6,99$, Regularly priced at $9.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.
The magic of this book lies in its heartfelt sincerity. You'll feel fully supported as Dr. Marcia Sirota gives you all the tools you need to eat healthy and "feel full" of love, possibilities, confidence, self-worth and inner peace.
"This book acts as a guide to the "best practices" for optimal heart health, serving as a resource for patients diagnosed with or aiming to prevent heart disease.
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. —1 Corinthians 15:21–22 Although Eden has ended, ... Prevalence increases with age; over the age of forty-five counts as a risk in men and over fifty-five for women.
Embracing the Journey to Heartfelt Freedom This book is more than a guide; it's an invitation to embark on a journey toward heartfelt freedom from the fear of a heart attack.
Why looking up matters A positive attitude is important, but until now we didn’t know how important.
Positive and negative attitudes are acquired by an individual over a period of time and according to their development, ... The power of positivity is not something which is godgifted or which can be attained by a chosen few only.
But this book is not just about physical health-it delves into the profound connection between the mind and heart.