Describes the geography, history, government, economy, people, lifestyle, religion, languages, arts, leisure, festivals, and food of the third largest country in Africa, a former colony of Belgium.
In this compelling book, acclaimed journalist Michael Deibert paints a picture of a nation in flux, inching towards peace but at the same time solidifying into another era of authoritarian rule under its enigmatic president, Joseph Kabila.
This is done through a chronology, an introductory essay, a bibliography, and over 800 cross-referenced dictionary entries on civil wars, mutinies, notable people, places, events, and cultural practices.
This paper examines the political and social situation in the DRC since May 1997, together with the prospects for a successful political and social transition.
In doing so, this book provides valuable new evidence and analysis of the complex and multilayered conflicts in the DRC.
This publication examines key issues related to the development of the education sector in Democratic Republic of Congo, focusing on the primary and secondary levels.
In this compelling book, acclaimed journalist Michael Deibert paints a picture of a nation in flux, inching towards peace but at the same time solidifying into another era of authoritarian rule under its enigmatic president, Joseph Kabila.
Introduces the readers to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a country valiantly struggling to recover from historical abuse and ongoing war, a geographic paradise in the midst of political turmoil kept alive by the presence of the ...
Democratic Republic of Congo Political History. and Governance. Also Crime committed during War and other Crises, including Rape and Routing this Book has the entire details on DRC.
The State of the Media in the Democratic Republic of the Congo