"Travel with Kids" guides are uniquely tailored to help parents make the most of family excursions without spending a fortune. Each includes complete, up-to-the-minute information on hotels, restaurants, special attractions, day trips, and much more.Vegas isn't just for grown-ups any-more! The city in the desert has made a concerted push to become a family destination resort. Still, it can be a challenge to take in the best and screen out the rest. This guide is a parent's ace up the sleeve guaranteeing a winning vacation.
LET FROMMER'S SHOW YOU WHERE YOUR KIDS CAN: Play catch with dolphins View spectacular (and free!) dancing fountains Take a spin on the world's highest roller coaster Race in scaled down NASCAR replicas Witness a thunder and lightning storm ...
Theme parks, day trips, shows and restaurants, and free family fun in Las Vegas are featured in this guide to kid-friendly attractions.
Whitney Boulder Hwy Gibson Sunset Rd . Sunset Rd . Valle Verde Marks St. Warm Springs Rd . Warm Springs Rd . Warm Springs Rd . 5 Grande Blvd. Stephanie St. Gibson Rd . ACCOMMODATIONS Greenvalley Ranch 6 Sunset Station 4 DINING Krispy ...
101 Things for Kids in Las Vegas: A Complete Family Guide
Fun with the Family Las Vegas leads the way to magic shows, performing arts, amusement centers, thrill rides, museums, festivals, sports, outdoor recreation opportunities, and much more.
Developed with families in mind, this is the ultimate guidebook to family fun and adventure. Written by parents for parents, this guide to Las Vegas includes hundreds of ideas for families with kids from ages 2 to 12. 5 maps. Photos.
This magazine-looking book with detailed places, pictures, and website addresses is a guide about places that Parents can visit when traveling to Las Vegas, Nevada with small children.
Ages 9 to 10 years. The book of activities and worksheets for children will reinforce the Las Vegas supplemental textbook designed for the fourth grade reader.
Are you looking for a fun, easy and entertaining Kids Travel Journal for your Trip to Las Vegas (United States)?
Traces the history of Las Vegas, Nevada, from the native peoples who first visited the springs, to the coming of white settlers and the establishment of ranches and towns, to the appearance of Hoover Dam, the military, and the casinos.