Shows parents how to effectively raise children by setting boundaries, eliminating power struggles, establishing rules that encourage cooperation, and teaching problem-solving skills
Provides an alternative method of disciplining children to the ineffective extremes of punishment and permisiveness, using motivation techniques to teach proper conduct.
Karen, age fifteen, is a skillful debater. When her parents ask her to do something, Karen has a persuasive argument and a ready set of reasons for why she can't. Their dances often involve exhaustive debates about what she's supposed ...
In this fully revised third edition, the Setting Limits team is back with even more time-proven and teacher-endorsed methods for controlling elementary school students and establishing a classroom climate of cooperation and respect.
Eliminating Conflict by Establishing Clear, Firm, and Respectful Boundaries Robert J. MacKenzie ... |gnosing Unacceptable Behavior Thirteen-year-old Allison enjoys the attention she receives when she brings up disgusting topics at ...
Topics include: • Eliminating power struggles and handling disruptions quickly • Establishing an effective environment for learning • Using natural and logical consequences to support your rules • Conducting proactive, focused ...
For students like Patrick, Celia, and Vincent, the office is a revolving door that reinforces and perpetuates their behavior problems. The reinforcement errors begin the ... The buck stops at their door. Site administrators must be ...
"Setting limits means defining the rules and regulations, the boundaries, that enable us to make decisions and act responsibly. Setting limits means drawing a line and then holding to that...
Thomas R. Cole and Sally Gadow ( Durham , NC : Duke University Press , 1986 ) , pp . 11-42 . 11. Elizabeth Warren Markson , " Readjustment to Time in Old Age : A Life Cycle Approach , " Psychiatry 36 ( February 1973 ) , pp . 37-48 . 12.
This book charges that rationing would be unjust and profoundly biased. Contributors criticize the proposal from legal, economic, philosophical, medical, and religious perspectives.
Filled with thought-provoking checklists, questions, writing prompts, and more, The Set Boundaries Workbook is a valuable tool for everyone who wants to speak up for what they want and need, and show up more authentically in the world.