In Police Administration in Africa, Ejakait S.E. Opolot lays the foundation for future developments and trends in police administration in the former British colonies in Africa. Opolot emphasizes the dynamism between theory and practice. As such, Police Administration in Africa establishes a model to be replicated in other parts of the Third World.
Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education. Cutuli, G. (2017). ... Child Prostitution and Sex Tourism South Africa. JENdA: A Journal of Culture and African Women ... Introduction: New Sociologies of Sex Work in Perspective.
"African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum."
Trends in Policing: Interviews with Police Leaders Across the Globe, Volume Four, is the latest installment in a series of insightful interviews with senior police executives worldwide.
Drawing upon a survey of former police officers in the six British colonies of Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, and Malawi, Clayton and Killingray examine the work of colonial law...
Ooi Keat Gin, 'For Want of Rice', 8423. McKeown, Melancholy Order, 54461. Paul H. Kratoska, “'Ends That We Cannot Foresee”: Malay Reservations in British Malaya', journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 14:1 (1983), 149468; Kratoska, ...
Violence as Usual offers an unusual assessment of the history of rule in settler colonialism and an alternative to dominant narratives of an ostensibly weak colonial state.
U.S. strategic stakes in Africa have expanded in the last 15 years, with the growing awareness among policymakers and the American public that developments in Africa can have direct and significant impact on U.S. economic, political, and ...
Using cases from a range of specialists and precincts, this edited volume provides a rare window into police administration from the state legislation that regulates police reserves in California to the local models observed in many ...
Introduction to Police Science
Travelling models are a concept that offers to examine the translation of conflict management models into differing practices of ordering in African countries.