International Treaties in Islam: Practice in the Light of Islamic International Law is a study that seeks to explain Islamic international legal theory regarding treaties with non-Muslims. The treaties selected in this book cover the full spectrum of what Muslims and non-Muslims could do to develop and to protect the interest of their communities. With an extremely focused subject and approach, Professor Labeeb Ahmed Bsoul, discusses the importance of these treaties and their continually changing interpretations. The book aims to shed light on a relatively untouched branch of Islamic law, while simultaneously elucidating the social ramifications of legal theory and practice.
Criminology / Delinquency BECOME GIRLS DELINQUENCY AND JUVENILE JUSTICE MEDA CHESNEY - LIND AND RANDALL G. SHELDEN GIRLS , DELINQUENCY , AND JUVENILE JUSTICE a Third Edition Internet for research through searches and activities .
Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law
... the statutory asylum provisions to disapprove of some Ninth Circuit precedents.25 REFERENCES For additional reading, see: Jessica B. Cooper, Environmental Refugees: Meeting the Requirements of the Refugee Definition, 6 N.Y.U. ENV.
J. Bollinger S.A. and Champagne Lanson père et fils Subject : Use of the word “ Champagne ” as part of the terms “ Champagne Cider ” and “ Champagne Perry ” Report : ( 1975 ) 2 CMLR 479 EEC Treaty : Article 177 ( 1083 ) UK .
The Life and Legal Writings of Hugo Grotius . Norman , Oklahoma : University of Oklahoma Press , 1969 . Evririades , Euripides . " The Third World's Approach to the Deep Seabed . " Ocean Development and International Law 11 ( 1982 ) ...
In recent years the impact of the United Nations on international relations has increased considerably. Ever since its instrumental role in the establishment of Namibia as a democratic, independent, sovereign...
Lex Mercatoria and Arbitration: A Discussion of the New Law Merchant
Impact of Contract with America on the Territories: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Native American & Insular Affairs of the...
The History and Future of the World Trade Organization is a comprehensive account of the economic, political and legal issues surrounding the creation of the WTO and its evolution. Fully...