Emery reviews the psychological, social, economic, and legal consequences of divorce, and examines how children's risk or resilience is predicted by interparental conflict, relationships with both parents, financial strain, legal/physical custody, and other factors."--BOOK JACKET.
This book addresses this gap in the literature by presenting an organized and in-depth analysis of the current research and offering specific recommendations for applying these findings to the evaluation process.
This book has been written out of what my eyes have seen, my ears have heard, and six years of observation, and subsequently research, into the world of divorce, and what a woman that has been scorned will do, and the lengths she will go to ...
This book is concerned with the question of how families matter in young people's development - a question of obvious interest and importance to a wide range of readers, which has serious policy implication.
Pearson, J. (1991). The equity of mediated divorce agreements. Mediation Quarterly, 9,179-197. Pearson, J., and Luchesi Ring, M. A. (1982). Judicial decision-making in contested custody cases. Journal of Family Law, 21, 703-724.
Long recognized as the authoritative guide for clinicians working with divorcing families, this book presents crucial concepts, strategies, and intervention techniques.
Inclusive in its scope, the book covers the period of estrangement through the divorce process and on to 4 years after the couples separated. The work is based on the integration of original data with over 50 years of prior research.
This informative book clarifies the complex picture of how the experience of divorce in one generation may influence the next generation’s approach to and preparedness for marriage.
In this volume leading researchers offer an interesting and accessible overview of what we now know about risk and protective factors for family functioning and child adjustment in different kinds of families.
In J. M. Gottman (Ed.), What predicts divorce: The measures (pp. OHI1–OHI118). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Buehlman, K. T., Gottman, J. M., & Katz, L. F. (1992). How a couple views their past predicts their future: ...
I Don't Want to Choose: How Middle School Kids Can Avoid Choosing One Parent over the Other by Amy J. L. Baker and Katherine Andre (Kindred Spirits, 2009) Offers children the tools they need to deal with dilemma of being forced to ...