While personality traits and talents may help to predict a predisposition to a career type, this method of analysis neglects the influences of human purpose, passion, and life history. In Career Counseling, author Larry Cochran fills the void by introducing the theory of narrative construction, a method of counseling that injects personal identity into career development in a practical way. Cochran demonstrates how literary models and constructivist methods can be used in career development to provide the essential subjective dimension that has been lacking in practical counseling. In addition, he provides the innovative materials that are necessary for making this process both efficient and effective. This volume will be widely used by scholars and professionals in the fields of career counseling, clinical/counseling psychology, social psychology, and management.
This essential primer, amply illustrated with case studies, presents the latest research and developments in the field and explores an exciting postmodern theory and approach to career counseling.
The book also provides abundant resources for additional study. In addition to its value to career counselors, the text will also be useful to personal counselors who often deal with their client’s career issues during treatment.
The thoroughly revised and updated Ninth Edition of this classic book includes chapters on integrating career and personal counseling, job loss and transitions, adult career development, and career-related programs in middle schools.
This text provides the beginning counseling student with a comprehensive overview and discussion of the practical application of career counseling skills.
"This book establishes a new standard.
This extensive revision of the highly popular text known and appreciated for its strong focus on the practical, day-to-day tasks and responsibilities of the career counselor looks at careers from a global perspective, or a one-world economy ...
Praise for the First Edition: `For those of you who wonder if the counselling approach is of much use for career guidance, this book should be informative.
L., 150 Ausubel, D. P., 166, 169—170 Baer, R. M., 61 Bailey, ... 11—12 Binns, I. C., 25, 121, 177 Black, M. D., 31, 36—38 Blackhurst, A. E., 112, 135 Bloom, B. S., 28, 91, 93, 103 Boden, K., 49 Bodley, G., 48, 51, 62, 66 Borders, L. D., ...
This edition features a new look at such areas as using group counseling methods in job searches and using the resume to inspire the development of career stories, providing a highly practical look at the practice of career counseling today ...
Seven current methods are examined in detail: * the Trait-and-Factor approach * the Person-Centered approach * the Psychodynamic approach * the Developmental approach * the Social Learning approach * the Social Psychological approach * ...