This book critically reviews research into child sexual abuse (CSA), and provides a concise and clear guide to current knowledge. The topics covered include: the prevalence of CSA; who molests children; the effects of such abuse, both immediate and long term; the risk factors for abuse; and the influences and interventions that may amplify or ameliorate the impact of CSA on the victim. Areas of debate, such as the false memory syndrome, are approached in terms of the research data relevant to their resolution.
Answers questions that traumatized women frequently ask about childhood sexual abuse, shares stories of women in recovery, and offers a guide to healing the traumatic effects of this hidden abuse.
Child Abuse & Neglect, 16, 101–118. doi:10.1016/0145-2134(92)90011-F Berk, L. E. (2012). Child development (9th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Berliner, L., & Conte, J. R. (1990). The process of victimization: The victims' ...
With words of understanding and comfort, Nicole tells the real-life stories of those whose voices would otherwise never be heard.
Representing the latest refinements of thought in this field, Handbook of Child Sexual Abuse: Identification, Assessment, and Treatment combines the most current research with a wealth of clinical experience.
First Published in 2007. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
This book draws on this revolutionary legacy, feminism and post-structuralism to critically examine current perceptions of women, girls and child abuse in psychology, psychiatry and the mass media, and to re-evaluate mainstream and feminist ...
Entering the tumultuous, dissociated world of the adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse presents an intimidating challenge for clinicians. But as the authors of this innovative book argue, therapists must...
Saunders, B. E., & Kilpatrick, D. G., Hanson, R. F., Resnick, H. S., & Walker, M. E. (1999). Prevalence, case characteristics, and long-term psychological correlates of child rape among women: Anational survey. Child Maltreatment, 4(3), ...
Confronting Child Sexual Abuse describes how these forces shape our views of victims and offenders, while also providing an in-depth look at prevention efforts and current research.
John Merrick is extremely deformed and becomes known as the “elephant man. ... Merrick screams, “I am not an elephantl I am not an animall I am a human beingl I—am—a—manl" The story is different from that of any of us because Merrick's ...