Examining the effects of the Internet on American politics, this book reveals its potential as a tool for empowering people to challenge existing power structures. However, the authors show how the American political system tends to normalize political activity, and thus the Internet's vast subversive potential could be lost, rendering it just another purveyor of ignored information.
Pogge's new book presents an alternative view: Poverty and oppression persist on a massive scale; political and economic inequalities are rising dramatically both intra-nationally and globally.
But how can we make politics more responsive to the citizens' judgment and will? ... Modern societies are too large, too complex, too sophisticated for ordinary citizens to have a meaningful role in governing them; periodic input into ...
The most common path to power is via a familial connection to a male politician—as a daughter, wife, or widow—and women gain that power most often under “unstable” political conditions (Jalalzai 2013, 179).
The book offers answers to the widely discussed phenomena of disenchantment with politics and depoliticization.
Four short stories 1.
These differences in personnel combined to produce a major shift in the political atmosphere in 1959-1960 . ... The council met regularly , on Thursday mornings , usually with more than twenty attendees , and it advised Eisenhower on ...
Urban Meltdown reveals, castigates, and inspires. This is an important book for anyone who cares about thinking differently, acting differently, and making a difference.
Chapters in this volume include: - Introduction, Ileana Marin and Ray C. Minor - Political Learning Opportunities in College: What Is the Research Evidence?
The answers lie in this book.Election Hangover? shows you what forces are at play in the political scene in Washington, how they've taken our democracy hostage, and how we all need to be involved in the political process before it's too ...
Gay Republicans? Yes, gay Republicans -- not only do they exist, but they are proactive in both party and national politics, and as this book explains, they are intent on...