Deriving conclusions from the National Survey of Black Americans and several additional wide-ranging surveys, Religion in the Lives of African Americans examines broad issues: patterns of religious involvement; the functions of religion in coping, social support, etc.; and the relationships between religion and physical and mental health and well-being. Since the early 1900s, there has been ongoing academic interest in the nature, patterns, and functions of religion in the lives of African Americans because of the pervasiveness and persistence of the religious context in the lives of individuals, families and communities for this population group. This book enhances and furthers such academic interest by presenting a comprehensive, integrated analysis based upon rigorous, systematic survey research. The authors provide readers with an authoritative profile of the importance of religious involvement in relation to diverse forms of behaviours, attitudes and perceptions.
"African American Religion offers a provocative historical and philosophical treatment of the religious life of African Americans.
Deriving conclusions from the National Survey of Black Americans & other surveys, this text examines issues of religious involvement, the functions of religion, & the relationships between religion & physical & mental health & well-being.
The Spiritual Lives of Young African Americans examines the role of spirituality in adolescent development and the ways that youth negotiate their world, and offers a vision of life for young people who are too often surrounded by death.
Jim Crow and the Transformation of African American Religion in the Delta, 1875-1915 John M. Giggie. Brooks, Joanna. ''Prince Hall, Freemasonry ... Dell Upton and John Michael Vlach, 261–278. Athens: University of Georgia Press, ...
This volume illuminates the fusion of African and Christian traditions that has characterized African-American Christianity's unique contribution to American religious history.
The biblical text and its key figures have played a prominent role in the development of religious discourse on pressing socio-political issues.
Wilmore's book is a standard, and fairly thorough, introduction to the connection between African American religiosity (writ large) and African American societal protest. Tracing the connection from African religion (Judaism,...
The book demonstrates that the efforts by members of these movements to contest conventional racial categorization contributed to broader discussions in black America about the nature of racial identity and the collective future of black ...
In The Spiritual Lives of Young African Americans, Almeda M. Wright argues that African American youth separate their everyday lives and their spirituality into mutually exclusive categories.
In 1874 W. A. L. Campbell, a minister at the African American Congregational church in Macon, Georgia, wrote prior to his dismissal that he had become disillusioned with the conduct and “semifetishism” of members of his congregation.