Affirmative Psychotherapy and Counseling for Lesbians and Gay Men offers a broad base of research, practice, and advocacy information about the special counseling needs of gays and lesbians. Authors Jeffrey N. Chernin and Melissa R. Johnson discuss universal themes as they apply to lesbian and gay clients, as well as issues unique to lesbians and gay men, including the treatment of same-sex couples and families, ethnic minority issues, and living with HIV/AIDS. They present sensible information on how to provide a safe therapeutic environment and how to interpret and apply psychological assessments.
nority sexual orientations ( L. S. Brown , 2000 ; Browning , Reynolds , & Dworkin , 1991 ; Falco , 1996 ; Liddle , 1999a ; J. C. Phillips & Fischer , 1998 ; Platzer , 1998 ; Roth & Murphy , 1986 ; Shannon & Woods , 1991 ; Stein , 1988 ...
This book will offer straight therapists the tools they need to counsel gay and lesbian clients effectively.
The book also explores useful ways to develop successful health and support services specific to bisexual needs.
The book concludes with an extensive glossary of terms, both preferred and problematic, which counselors working with these communities should understand and use appropriately. *Requests for digital versions from ACA can be found on www ...
In the past decade, assisting gay and lesbian clients with the coming out process, helping clients to manage stigmatized identities, and assisting counselors in removing their homophobic attitudes were the...
Pink Therapy, however, has arrived, amply fills this gap, and is well worth the wait. The literature reviews are masterful for scholars, and the book offers a comprehensive, thoughtful approach for clinicians.
Cabaj, R. P., & Stein, T. S. (Eds.). (1996). Textbook of homosexuality and mental health. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press. Coleman, E. (1987). Assessment of sexual orientation. Journal of Homosexuality, 14(1/2), 9-24.
... under my general editorship and the auspices of The Haworth Press . San Francisco , 1981 John P. De Cecco , PhD Editor PREFACE Even a glance at the bibliographies in the chapters 2 HOMOSEXUALITY & PSYCHOTHERAPY John P De Cecco,
In A. S. Gurman (Ed.), Clinical handbook of couple therapy (4th ed., pp. 138–164). new york: Guilford Press. Green, R.-J., & Mitchell, V. (2002). Gay and lesbian couples in therapy: Homophobia, relational ambiguity, and social support.
Hay , H. ( 1987 ) A separate people whose time has come , in M. Thompson ( ed . ) Gay Spirit : Myth and Meaning . New York : St Martin's Press . Houston , G. ( 1984 ) The Red Book of Groups . London : Rochester Foundation .