Review: "More than 100 scholars contributed to this carefully researched, well-organized, informative, and multi-disciplinary source on death studies. Volume 1, "The Presence of Death," examines the cultural, historical, and societal frameworks of death, such as the universal fear of death, spirituality and varioius religions, the legal definition of death, suicide, and capital punishment. Volume 2, "The Response to Death," covers such topics as rites and ceremonies, grief and bereavement, and legal matters after death."--"The Top 20 Reference Titles of the Year," American Libraries, May 2004.
The Handbook of Thanatology is the most authoritative volume in the field, providing a single source of up-to-date scholarship, research, and practice implications.
Cultural changes in attitudes toward death, dying, and bereavement. New York, NY: Springer Publishing. Hayslip, B., Allen, S.E., & McCoy-Roberts, L. (2001). The role of gender in a three-year longitudinal study of bereavement: A test of ...
57–87. Baldwin, J. (2013) Trance, transfiguration and trust: spiritualism in Western Australia. In: O. Jenzen and S. R. Munt, eds., The Ashgate Research Companion to Paranormal Cultures. Farnham, UK: Ashgate, pp. 351–362.
The New Age Handbook on Death and Dying
The New Age Handbook on Death and Dying
Explains the attitudes of the dying toward themselves and others and presents a humane approach to relieving the psychological suffering of the terminally ill and their families
The New Age Handbook On Death And Dying offers insights from Carol Parrish-Harra's ministries with terminally ill patients; from her near-death experience; and from her grief following the sudden loss of her daughter and granddaughter.
Vicarious Grief at Dark Tourism Sites The loss and grief of a visitor often may not be directly related to the dead at the dark site but, rather, may be imagined or sympathetic, or shared within a community or social network.
First published in 1994. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
The New Natural Death Handbook shows you how to do everything from ordering a coffin to hiring a horse-drawn hearse to finding a woodland burial ground (where a tree is planted for each grave instead of having a headstone).