Interaction Effects in Multiple Regression has provided students and researchers with a readable and practical introduction to conducting analyses of interaction effects in the context of multiple regression. The new addition will expand the coverage on the analysis of three way interactions in multiple regression analysis. Learn more about "The Little Green Book" - QASS Series! Click Here
With detailed examples, this book demonstrates the use of the computer program LISREL and how it can be applied to the analysis of interactions in regression frameworks.
Pearson's rand coarsely categorized measures . American Sociological Review , 46 , 232-239 . Bollen , K. A. & Jackman , R. W. ( 1990 ) . Regression diagnostics : An expository treatment of outliers and influential cases .
This book provides an introduction to the analysis of interaction effects in logistic regression by focusing on the interpretation of the coefficients of interactive logistic models for a wide range of situations encountered in the research ...
"This book is remarkable in its accessible treatment of interaction effects.
This book describes techniques for finding the best representations of predictors for modeling and for nding the best subset of predictors for improving model performance.
This book is about making machine learning models and their decisions interpretable.
Key Features Covers all major facets of survey research methodology, from selecting the sample design and the sampling frame, designing and pretesting the questionnaire, data collection, and data coding, to the thorny issues surrounding ...
Where Angels Fear to Tread: Interaction Effects in Multiple Regression : a Research Note
The file is named, “Path Analysis Output.pdf.” ADDITIONAL READING Agresti, A. & Finlay, B. (2009). An introduction to advanced methodology. In A. Agresti & B. Finlay (Eds.), Statistical methods for the social sciences (4th ed.) ...
This SAGE Research Methods Dataset example introduces readers to interaction effects in multiple regression.