Praise for "The Student Evaluation Standards": " A recommended and seminal reference which competently and accessibly address the issues of Propriety Standards, Utility Standards, Feasibility Standards, and Accuracy Standards."Library "Bookwatch"" ""Now, introducing educators to "The Student Evaluation Standards" is easy with this supplement -- it gives you everything you need to facilitate your workshops on the "Standards." """Student evaluation and assessment are central to every school and every classroom. If you are the person responsible for introducing your school community to the Joint Committee's 28 new standards, this "Facilitator's Guide""" will give you the framework you need. This easy-to-follow guide includes the following essential materials: Facilitator Information -- outlines workshop objectives, workshop participants, workshop design and logistics, facilitator's role, as well as Frequently Asked Questions and their answers. Workshop Activities -- includes all the details you need on workshop objectives, workshop pacing, workshop content, and workshop terminology. Introduction t
Where are they right now? How can I close the gap between where they are and where I want them to be? This text suggests that teachers also ask these parallel questions of themselves: Where am I going?
Duke, D. L. (1990). Developing teacher evaluation systems that promote professional growth. Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education, 4, 131–144. Educational Testing Service. (1998). The Praxis series. Princeton, NJ: Author.
These interviews are in stark contrast with the other interviews and reveal skepticism about the program's contributions to positive change or other potential benefits. Kwame decides to discuss this issue with Jonah at the next ...
Assessment is not only a measure of student learning, but a means to student learning. Teacher-Made Assessments guides you in constructing and using your own classroom tests and rubrics to improve student achievement.
Standards-based Assessment of Student Learning: A Comprehensive Approach
The principal then introduced Ms. Mak to The Student Evaluation Standards (Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation, 2003) and provided relevant suggestions for follow-up (see U6, Follow-Up and Professional Development).
How do we know what they know? This accompanying volume to the Standards focuses on a key kind of assessment: the evaluation that occurs regularly in the classroom, by the teacher and his or her students as interacting participants.
These examples recommended by accrediting agencies makes this a unique contribution to the assessment literature. The book is organized in four parts. Part One is focused on student learning and assessment and includes ten chapters.
"We can be grateful that Dr. Stake decided to cap his distinguished career by sharing his ideas in writing. This is a book that evaluators will want to have in their personal library.
What is good undergraduate teaching? This book discusses how to evaluate undergraduate teaching of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology and what characterizes effective teaching in these fields.