`For those who still believe that politics is normally, naturally, about economics, Rob Singh has gathered the evidence and dialed the wake-up call: seven major instances of an ongoing culture war meet a common analytic framework here in a lively and informative fashion' - Byron E Shafer, University of Wisconsin
What does it mean for us today? What happened to the economic equality it once engendered? In The Great Exception, Jefferson Cowie provides new answers to these important questions.
The media, American culture and political power are bound together in an association in which the stakes increase daily. This book is a radical attempt to lay out the complex...
Beginning with a brief overview of American society today, the book introduces the constitutional framework of American politics and the fluid concept and practice of federalism.
The Cynical Society is a study of the political despair and abdication of (individual) responsibility Goldfarb calls cynicism—a central but unexamined aspect of contemporary American political and social life.
Latin America has produced an impressive body of sociopolitical work, yet these important texts have never been readily available to a wider audience.
This book is a concise, accessible guide to help social workers understand how politics and policy making really work—and what they can do to help their clients and their communities.
These essays deal with the conditions that have given rise to the extreme right of the 1950s and the 1960s, and the origins of certain characteristic problems of the earlier modern era when the American mind was beginning to respond to the ...
... and, when thatis discerned,it istheduty of thecourtto follow it. Judicialpower is never exercisedforthe purposeofgiving effect tothe will of the judge, always forthepurposeof giving effect ... to the will of the law. (Osborn v.
This book is a broad-ranging and lively introduction to all aspects of life in America. This third edition takes account of the 2008 presidential elections and examines the state of the nation after George W. Bush.
In contrast, this work argues that a revised, nuanced, and dynamic definition of consensus liberalism provides a compelling way to appreciate how the vitality of the postwar economy and the external challenges of the early Cold War shaped ...