This book uses one of the most popular accessories of childhood, the Barbie doll, to explain key aspects of cultural meaning. Some readings would see Barbie as reproducing ethnicity and gender in a particularly coarse and damaging way - a cultural icon of racism and sexism. Rogers develops a broader, more challenging picture. She shows how the cultural meaning of Barbie is more ambiguous than the narrow, appearance-dominated model that is attributed to the doll. For a start, Barbie’s sexual identity is not clear-cut. Similarly her class situation is ambiguous. But all interpretations agree that, with her enormous range of lifestyle `accessories', Barbie exists to consume. Her body is the perfect metaphor of modern times: plastic, st
This book uses one of the most popular accessories of childhood, the Barbie doll, to explain key aspects of cultural meaning.
The analysis of the thesis focuses solely on her introduction in 1959, & on her current distinction. The Barbie doll is an iconic image.
Originally published: New York: William Morrow & Co, c1994.
“Malinali Tenepat, or Malintzín ... has become the bad word that passes a dozen times a day from the lips of Chicanos. ... According to Meyers in Colonialism and the Revolutionary Period (Beginnings–1800), the historical ...
“Barbie and her creator, the sharp-elbowed gal who built the biggest toy company, have a story to tell.” —Time Barbie and Ruth by Ruth Gerber is the remarkable true story of the world’s most famous toy and the woman who created her.
Feminism, Popular Culture and the Posthuman Body Kim Toffoletti. Barbie's Queer Accessories (1995), Rand exposes the limitations to interpreting Barbie as an ideological tool of white patriarchy. Taking to task Gramscian theories of ...
Drawing on the work of thinkers including Baudrillard, Donna Haraway and Rosi Braidotti, "Cyborgs and Barbie Dolls" explores the nature of the human - and its ambiguous gender - in an age of biotechnologies and digital worlds.
For anyone who loves Barbie and wants to know more, this illustrated biography tells the story of the doll's evolution into an icon of popular culture, beloved and avidly collected...
Dress and Rituals . Rituals fall into two broad categories : rites of passage and rites of intensification . Both types of rituals are characterized by an emotional response . A rite of passage is a ceremony that indicates a change of ...
She and Pamela Bettis are the authors of Geographies of Girlhood: Identities In-Between (2005) and Cheerleader! An American Icon (2003). KATE ARTZ is an English major at Salem State College currently studying journalism.