This text provides specially written profiles of eight key discourse analysts, describing each one's main contribution to the field, and introducing their method of discourse analysis.
[ Burstein et al . , 1998 ] Jill Burstein , Karen Kukich , Susanne Wolff , Chi Lu , Martin Chodorow , Lisa BradenHarder , and Mary Dee Harris . Automated scoring using a hybrid feature identification technique .
... O'Driscoll (1996), Bravo (1999), Lee Wong (1999) and Watts (1992, 2003),. Criticisms of Brown & Levinson's model of politeness 5.1. Conversation Analysis: an approach to DA. SELF EVALUATION QUESTIONS Chapter Four 98.
This book presents a unique perspective into the investigation and analysis of public discourses, such as those of the environment, politics, and social media, springing from issues of key relevance to contemporary society, including the ...
Hague is now able to repeat the corrected sentence,andhe doesso deployingthe same prosodicfeatures asearlier, where stylised 'singsong' contourssignal repetition and bored attitude. Increased volume has to cover the opposition's mocking ...
(1987:184) The main cluster of vocatives highlighted in the dispersion plot for hostile examination (Figure 9.1) came from the examination of Mr Gavyn Davies (from the BBC) by Mr Ionathan Sumption (Counsel for the Government).
Discourse/Counter-Discourse is situated on the border between cultural history and literary criticism: combining the insights of Marxism and semiotics, it attempts to delineate the cultural function of texts.
Discourse as Data uses a step-by-step approach to introduce the principal range of methods for discourse analysis, and offers the reader practical opportunities to try out analytic concepts on new data.
This book provides an introduction to the aims, theories and practices of critical discourse analysis (CDA).
This volume will be a welcome guide for anyone looking for a form of discourse analysis that is both explicit and methodical, and critically incisive.
The book seeks to provide a cross-sectional view of scholarship in these areas, specifically from the perspective of how the intersection of theory and practice enables Nigerian scholars of Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics to understand ...