Educational researchers and policy analysts concur increasingly that the organizational design and culture of schools can either enhance or hinder the effectiveness of school reform efforts. This book offers a series of essays that may help parents, educators, and policymakers understand and solve school organizational problems that get in the way of student achievement. The essays are written around the framework of the Keys to Excellence in Your Schools (KEYS) initiative. Chapters include: (1) "Educational Reform as Continuous Improvement" (Michael Fullan); (2) "The Learner-Centered Principles: Their Value for Teachers and Teaching" (P. Karen Murphy and Patricia A. Alexander); (3) "Achieving High-Level Outcomes for All Students: The Meaning of Staff-Shared Understanding and Commitment" (Fred M. Newmann); (4) "Professional Communication and Collaboration" (Judith Warren Little); (5) "Teacher Use of Formal Assessment in the Classroom" (Eva L. Baker); (6) "Assessment as Learning" (Lorna M. Earl); (7) "Transforming Professional Development: Understanding and Organizing Learning Communities" (Ann Lieberman and Lynne Miller); (8) "Designing and Implementing School-Based Professional Development" (Linda Valli and Willis D. Hawley); (9) "Organizational Conditions To Support Teaching and Learning" (Kenneth Leithwood); and (10) "Local School Districts and Instructional Improvement" (Richard F. Elmore). Most chapters usually conclude with a list of references. (RT)
Working in tandem with the National Education Association's KEYS initiative (Keys to Excellence in Your Schools), this second edition focuses on how to change a school's organizational structure and culture to improve the quality of ...
Keys to Effective Schools: Educational Reform as Continuous Improvement
Working in tandem with the National Education Association's KEYS initiative (Keys to Excellence in Your Schools), this second edition focuses on how to change a school's organizational structure and culture to improve the quality of ...
"A hallmark volume by one of the nation′s most accomplished school improvement scholars. This is the most thoroughly researched, well-crafted, and useful volume on continuous improvement available.
Garwood , M. and Dowden , M. ( 2001 ) Curriculum Management and Assessment Manual : A Practical Guide to Managing , Monitoring and Target - Setting , Pearson Education , Harlow . Lyus , V. ( 1998 ) Management in Early Years , Hodder and ...
Available at http://www.uscrossier. org/pullias/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/king.pdf King-Thorius, K. A., & Sullivan, A. L. (2013). Interrogating instruction and intervention in RTI research with students identified as English language ...
This guide helps educators implement a continuous school improvement system through application of the seven correlates of effective schools.
This book offer insights into how trust can be built and sustained in school communities, and identifies some features of public school systems that can impede such development.
This is the whole package." —JON SAPHIER, founder and president, Research for Better Teaching, and chairman emeritus of Teachers 21 "Paul Bambrick-Santoyo's book is a triple threat to the achievement gap: not only has he presided over ...
Build bridges to a brighter future when you plan with curriculum mapping! What role does curriculum mapping play in addressing all content standards? How does it promote staff development?